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Friday, January 31, 2014

Wonderful love does Jesus show

Wonderful love does Jesus show,
Wonderful grace He does bestow;
Wonderful peace in Him I know,
Jesus, blessed Jesus!

Wonderful!  He is always near,
Wonderful!  I have naught to fear;
Wonderful is His voice to hear,
Jesus, blessed Jesus!

Wonderful help does Jesus send,
Wonderful keeping to the end;
Wonderful is this constant Friend,
Jesus, blessed Jesus!

Wonderful day, so pure, so bright,
Wonderful living in His sight;
Wonderful, ‘round me all is light,
Jesus, blessed Jesus!


Wonderful, wonderful Jesus!
Wonderful, wonderful Jesus!
He is a wonderful Savior!
Jesus, blessed Jesus!
     Rev. W. J. Stuart

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Why stand ye here idle? there’s labor for all

Why stand ye here idle?  there’s labor for all,
The vineyard needs workmen, the weeds are grown tall;
The ripe fruit is wasting for lack of strong hands
Why stand ye here idle?  the Master demands.

Why stand ye here idle?  a brother’s in need,
His cries ascend heav’nward, then pray you, give heed;
For food and for raiment he suffers tonight,
Then render assistance; O, dare to do right.

Why stand ye here idle?  a soul’s being lost,
Speak, speak words of warning, whatever the cost;
The soul you may rescue from sin and from shame,
And give to the Savior to praise His dear name.

Why stand ye here idle?  O labor each day,
To lead men to Jesus, the Truth, Life and Way;
The Spirit has promised its presence to lend,
To comfort and strengthen, till labors shall end.


Oh, why stand ye idle?  Oh, why stand ye idle,
Oh, why stand ye idle, idle all day?
The harvest is passing,
The harvest is passing,
The harvest is passing, passing away.
     J. L. McDonald

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Although by sin I was defiled

Although by sin I was defiled,
My God to me is reconciled;
And since I have become His child,
Praise God, He uses me!

Tho’ I am frail and weak and small,
He ever holds me, lest I fall,
I dare not trust myself, at all,
But still He uses me!

He uses me to sow the seed,
He uses me with souls to plead,
In many ways, by word or deed,
My Father uses me!

To work for Him as I am sent,
My life will thus be wisely spent,
I’ll live for Him and die content,
Since here He uses me!

He uses me, He uses me,
To do His will, He uses me;
In His own way, while I obey,
Praise God, He uses me!
     Rev. Johnson Oatman, Jr.

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Look, the harvest field is teeming

Look, the harvest field is teeming
With the rich and ripened grain;
Wide it spreads before us,
Bright the sky is o’er us;
In the sunlight, golden gleaming,
Heaving like the restless main,
“Reapers are needed,”
Resounds o’er hill and plain.

In the markets and the byways,
Whiling precious hours away,
Many stand complaining,
Idle still remaining,
Loit’ring in the dusty highways,
Hearing not the Master say:
“Reapers are needed,
O who will work today?”

Hear ye not the faithful singing
Of the labor and the yield?
Rouse ye, then, O sleepers,
Join the happy reapers;
To the wind your sorrows flinging,
Patiently the sickle wield:
“Reapers are needed,
Awake, and to the field!”

Rouse ye, then, and to the fields away,
Go labor for the Master while you may;
Lo!  He is calling,
Night is falling,
Hasten to obey,
For reapers are needed today.
     Chas. H. Gabriel

Monday, January 27, 2014

Ev’ry sky that glistens with the golden day

Ev’ry sky that glistens with the golden day,
Has its cloud of sorrow drifting o’er the way;
If we are the sunshine, clouds will quickly flee,
And the souls that meet us will be light and free.

Sunshine would be brighter for us day by day,
If the clouds of darkness all were swept away;
Why not be the sunlight, filling hearts with cheer,
Driving far away the sorrow met with here.

There are souls in darkness, longing for the light;
We who are God’s children should be shining bright;
There are hearts all shadowed o’er by sin and shame,
Waiting for a sunbeam given in His name.

Let us then look upward for a golden gleam
Out of heaven’s sunlight till our faces beam;
Then with hearts of kindness let us make, while here,
Lives of others brighter with our sunshine cheer.

Are you cloud or sunshine in the world today?
Are you spreading darkness, or a golden ray?
Has some heart been darkened by your cloud of sin?
Have you been the sunshine, helping others win?
     Rev. M. S. Brown

Sunday, January 26, 2014

There are sweetest songs at morning

There are sweetest songs at morning,
Joyous songs of love and praise
To the tender, loving Father
Who hath crowned with love our days;
There are songs at dark of evening,
Sweetest songs at noontide bright,
But the songs which are the sweetest
God doth send us in the night.

It may be a minor cadence,
We have learned in pain and care,
But ‘twill be so much the sweeter,
When we sing it over there;
Christ will change to sweetest music,
Our poor trembling, broken strain;
He will sing it with His children,
Set to heaven’s glad refrain.

When the midnight darkness gathers,
And the mid-day fancies cease,
There comes in the solemn silence,
Sweetest whisper of His peace;
For, like frightened little children,
When all else grows dark and dim,
We come nearer to our Savior,
Knowing we are safe with Him.


O the songs of the night,
How they strengthen us to meet the day;
O the songs in the night
How they cheer and help us on the way.
     E. M. Sherman

Saturday, January 25, 2014

He who dwelt among the lowly

He who dwelt among the lowly,
Helped the poor of ev’ry name,
Had compassion on the weary,
Is today the very same.

He who healed afflicted thousands
By the sea we love to name,
Sent them on their way rejoicing,
Is today the very same.

He who died for our redemption,
On that dreadful cross of shame,
Shed His blood to cleanse and save us,
Is today the very same.

We will bow in awe before Him,
We will glory in His name,
We will worship and adore Him,
Who is evermore the same.

Just the same,
O hallelujah,
Glory, glory to His name;
Yesterday, today, forever,
Christ the Lord is just the same, just the same.
     Mrs. Harriet E. Jones

Friday, January 24, 2014

When “former things” have passed away

When “former things” have passed away,
And we have reached the city fair,
Illumined by eternal day,
“No pain nor sorrow shall be there.”

God’s tender hand will dry our tears,
And banish weariness and care;
Thro’ all the glad celestial years,
“No pain nor sorrow shall be there.”

Beyond the pearly gates of peace,
The cross of grief no soul shall bear,
Then cometh perfect, sweet release,
“No pain nor sorrow shall be there.”

O blest assurance! by and by,
The home of angels we shall share,
And, safe in mansions built on high,
We’ll find no pain nor sorrow there.


O precious words beyond the tide,
Where dwell in light the glorified;
All earthly ills are laid aside,
“No pain nor sorrow shall be there.”
     Jennie Wilson

Thursday, January 23, 2014

O have you not heard of that country above

O have you not heard of that country above,
The name of its King and His infinite love?
His children are deathless and happy I’m told;
Oh, will it abide-will we never grow old?

A mansion of wonderful beauty is there,
And Jesus that mansion has gone to prepare;
Its bright jasper walls how I long to behold,
And join in the song that will never grow old.

They tell me its friendships and love are so pure,
Its joys never die, and its treasures are sure;
And loved ones departed, so silent and cold,
Will greet us again where we’ll never grow old.

In life’s weary conflicts, there’s fainting and care,
Each year the gray deepens a shade in the hair;
But in the blest book where my name is enrolled,
I read of that land where we’ll never grow old.


‘Twill always be new, it will never decay;
No night ever comes, it will always be day;
It gladdens my heart with a joy that’s untold,
To think of that land where we’ll never grow old.
     Rev. W. W. Bailey

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

As the sunlight breaks thro’ the clouds o’er head

As the sunlight breaks thro’ the clouds o’er head,
When the storm has passed, and the winds have fled,
So in hours of darkness, and fear and trial
There is nothing so sweet as the Savior’s smile.

In the time of sorrow, and pain and grief,
When I pray to Jesus, He sends relief,
When temptations sore would my soul beguile
There is nothing so sweet as the Savior’s smile.

When the morning beams with a joyful light,
Or when dark and drear fall the shades of night,
As we’re nearing home with each weary mile
There is nothing so sweet as the Savior’s smile.

So it matters not what the years may bring,
Whether winter’s frosts, or the flowers of spring,
If in faith I pray to Him all the while
There is nothing so sweet as the Savior’s smile.

There is nothing so sweet, there is nothing so sweet,
As the smile He gives, when we kneel at His feet,
In the hour of grief, in the hour of trial,
There is nothing so sweet as the Savior’s smile.
     Rev. J. Oatman, Jr.

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

The reapers are loudly singing

The reapers are loudly singing,
As out in the harvest field
They gather the grain from valley and plain,
With willing and tireless hands.
The winds from afar come bringing
Glad news of abundant yield,
Of work to be done, of souls to be won
For God at His own command.

“The field is the world,” O reaper,
There’s plenty for all to do;
Arise and begin the work that shall win
For you an immortal crown.
The Lord is thy guide and keeper,
With grace to carry you thro’;
He calls you today, then trust and obey,
And reap till the sun goes down.

The Master hath all commanded,
To labor and watch and pray;
To diligent be, and faithful, if we
Would share in the vict’ries won;
Then why will you empty-handed
Appear, at the close of day,
Accounting to give, and hope to receive,
A blessing for nothing done?


Join in the song that is wafted along,
And gather the grain from hill and from plain,
For garners beyond the sky.
     Chas. H. Gabriel   

Monday, January 20, 2014

There’s a song within my heart today

There’s a song within my heart today
And rejoicing go I on my way;
For I’ve found a Friend and Guide, and whatever may betide,
He has promised to be with me all the way.

Oh, this song shall be a song of trust,
For His ways are always right and just;
And I do not walk alone, since He’s called me for His own,
He has promised to be with me all the way.

Thro’ His grace I’ll sing the victor’s song,
In His strength, for right be firm and strong;
Tho’ temptations may assail, in His name I shall prevail,
He has promised to be with me all the way.

For my Savior will be with me all the way!
Is the song my heart is singing all the day;
Then what evil shall I fear, with my Friend and Guide so near?
He has promised to be with me all the way.
     Mrs. Nellie Place Chandler

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Are you cheerful, brave and pray’rful

Are you cheerful, brave and pray’rful?
Has your heart grown mellow?
Find another, friend and brother,
Help the other fellow.

Are you weary, lone and dreary?
Would you have it ended?
You’ll be brightened, cheered and lightened,
When you’ve men befriended.

Are you yearning to be learning
More to love another?
Self-confessing brings the blessing,
Lift a fallen brother.


The other fellow needs your care,
He’s at your side, He’s ev’rywhere,
The Savior watches from above,
He cheers, He helps you with His love.
     Robt. H. Coleman

Saturday, January 18, 2014

There are sorrowful hearts that are going your way

There are sorrowful hearts that are going your way,
Crushed by a burden of wrong;
If you wait on the Lord, He will help you today
To lighten the way with a song.

If your own weary spirit needs comfort and cheer,
If you are lonely or sad,
Let your mercies be counted, your praises ring clear,
Thus make your own heart be glad.

Unto each fellow pilgrim your feet overtake,
Blessing and brightness belong;
And it may be that you, for the Savior’s own sake,
May lighten the way with a song.

Then lighten the way with a song,
Yes, lighten the way with a song;
For the dreariest days there is nothing like praise,
Then lighten the way with a song.
     Julia H. Johnston

Friday, January 17, 2014

When silently the nightshades fall

When silently the nightshades fall,
In sable mantle dressed,
And earth in holy calm and peace
Is gently lulled to rest,
There comes from out the stillness deep
A whisper sweet and low,
That brings into the weary breast
A peace it fain would know.

When twilight steals o’er land and sea,
And shadows come and go,
With silent tread ‘mid zephyrs sweet
That gently onward flow,
There seems to be a softer strain
That whispers to my soul,
And Jesus, heav’n, and all things pure,
Come in and take control.

Divinely sweet is such an hour,
When Jesus draws us near,
With fond caress and tender smile,
His loving words to hear;
But sweeter far than this ‘twill be,
When life’s twilight shall come,
If Jesus speaks His fond “Well done!
Come, reign with Me at home.”

Holy twilight hour, blessed twilight hour,
Thro’ thy wooing, Jesus speaks and bids us “Come!”
Holy twilight hour, blessed twilight hour,
Thro’ thy tranquil dream the heart sings Home, sweet Home.
     Samuel W. Beazley

Thursday, January 16, 2014

There's not a friend like the lowly Jesus

There's not a friend like the lowly Jesus,
No, not one!  no, not one!
None else could heal all our souls' diseases:
No, not one!  no, not one!

No friend like Him is so high and holy,
No, not one!  no, not one!
And yet no friend is so meek and lowly,
No, not one!  no, not one!

There's not an hour that He is not near us,
No, not one!  no, not one!
No night so dark but His love can cheer us,
No, not one!  no, not one!

Did ever saint find this friend forsake him?
No, not one!  no, not one!
Or sinner find that He would not take him?
No, not one!  no, not one!

Jesus knows all about our struggles,
He will guide till the day is done;
There's not a friend like the lowly Jesus,
No, not one!  no, not one!
     Johnson Oatman, Jr.

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

You can make the pathway bright

You can make the pathway bright,
Fill the soul with heaven’s light,
If there’s sunshine in your heart;
Turning darkness into day,
As the shadows fly away,
If there’s sunshine in your heart today.

You can speak the gentle word
To the heart with anger stirred,
If there’s sunshine in your heart;
Tho’ it seems a little thing,
It will heaven’s blessing bring,
If there’s sunshine in your heart today.

You can do a kindly deed
To your neighbor in his need,
If there’s sunshine in your heart;
And his burden you will share
As you lift his load of care,
If there’s sunshine in your heart today.

You can live a happy life
In this world of toil and strife,
If there’s sunshine in your heart;
And your soul will glow with love
From the perfect Light above,
If there’s sunshine in your heart today.

If there’s sunshine in your heart,
You can send a shining ray
That will turn the night to day;
And your cares will all depart,
If there’s sunshine in your heart today.
     Helen Dungan

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

When your spirit bows in sorrow

When your spirit bows in sorrow
From the load it bears,
Go and tell your heart to Jesus—
Don’t you know He cares?

Have your feet become entangled
In the tempter’s snares?
There is One who died to save you,—
Don’t you know He cares?

Have you been by grief o’ertaken,-
Stricken unawares?
Yet you will not be forsaken-
Don’t you know He cares?

So amid life’s cares and struggles,
Blending songs with prayers—
Always put your trust in Jesus—
Don’t you know He cares?

Yes, there is One who shares your burdens,
Ev’ry sorrow shares;
Go and tell it all to Jesus,—
Don’t you know He cares?
     Johnson Oatman, Jr.

Monday, January 13, 2014

More like the Master I would ever be

More like the Master I would ever be,
More of His meekness, more humility;
More zeal to labor, more courage to be true,
More consecration for work He bids me do.

More like the Master is my daily prayer;
More strength to carry crosses I must bear;
More earnest effort to bring His kingdom in;
More of His Spirit, the wanderer to win.

More like the Master I would live and grow;
More of His love to others I would show;
More self-denial, like His in Galilee,
More like the Master I long to ever be.

Take Thou my heart, I would be Thine alone;
Take Thou my heart and make it all Thine own;
Purge me from sin, O Lord, I now implore,
Wash me and keep me Thine forevermore.
     Chas. H. Gabriel

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Scattering precious seed by the wayside

Scattering precious seed by the wayside,
Scattering precious seed by the hillside;
Scattering precious seed o’er the field wide,
Scattering precious seed by the way.

Scattering precious seed for the growing,
Scattering precious seed freely sowing;
Scattering precious seed, trusting, knowing,
Surely the Lord will send it the rain.

Scattering precious seed, doubting never,
Scattering precious seed, trusting ever;
Sowing the word with pray’r and endeavor,
Trusting the Lord for growth and for yield.

Sowing in the morning,
Sowing at the noontide;
Sowing in the evening,
Sowing the precious seed by the way.
     W. A. Ogden

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Ev’ry day I need Thee more and more

Ev’ry day I need Thee more and more,
Waves of care sweep o’er my soul,
Thou canst still the storm and peace restore,
Keep my life in Thy control.

Ev’ry day I need Thee more and more,
Make my blinded eyes to see,
Visions of the Christ whom I adore,
Hear my cry, O Lord, help me.

Ev’ry day I need Thee more and more,
For the helpless, sick and lone,
Piteously plead and help implore,
Use me Lord to lead them home.

Ev’ry day I need Thee more and more,
When earth’s shadows all are past,
Then I’ll dwell with Him forevermore,
Fearing neither storm nor blast.

Ev’ry day I need Thee more and more,
For my heart is tempted o’er and o’er,
Let me feel Thy mighty arm,
Safely keep me from all harm,
Ev’ry day I need Thee more and more.
     Rev. A. H. Ackley

Friday, January 10, 2014

Down in the valley with my Savior I would go

Down in the valley with my Savior I would go,
Where the flow’rs are blooming and the sweet waters flow;
Ev’rywhere He leads me I would follow, follow on,
Walking in His footsteps till the crown be won.

Down in the valley with my Savior I would go,
Where the storms are sweeping and the dark waters flow;
With His hand to lead me I will never, never fear,
Danger cannot fright me if my Lord is near.

Down in the valley, or upon the mountain steep,
Close beside my Savior would my soul ever keep;
He will lead me safely in the path that He has trod,
Up to where they gather on the hills of God.

Follow! follow! I would follow Jesus!
Anywhere, ev’rywhere, I would follow on!
Follow! follow! I would follow Jesus!
Ev’rywhere He leads me I would follow on!
     W. O. Cushing

Thursday, January 9, 2014

It may not be on the mountain’s height

It may not be on the mountain’s height,
Or over the stormy sea;
It may not be at the battle’s front
My Lord will have need of me;
But if by a still, small voice He calls
To paths I do not know,
I’ll answer, dear Lord, with my hand in Thine,
I’ll go where You want me to go.

Perhaps today there are loving words
Which Jesus would have me speak;
There may be now, in the paths of sin,
Some wand’rer whom I should seek.
O Savior, if Thou wilt be my Guide,
Tho’ dark the rugged way,
My voice shall echo the message sweet,
I’ll say what You want me to say.

There’s surely somewhere a lowly place
In earth’s harvest fields so wide,
Where I may labor thro’ life’s short day
For Jesus, the Crucified.
So, trusting my all unto Thy care,
I know Thou lovest me!
I’ll do Thy will with a heart sincere,
I’ll be what You want me to be.

I’ll go where You want me to go, dear Lord,
O’er mountain, or plain, or sea;
I’ll say what You want me to say, dear Lord,
I’ll be what You want me to be.
     Mary Brown

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

In a world where sorrow

In a world where sorrow
Ever will be known,
Where are found the needy
And the sad and lone,
How much joy and comfort
You can all bestow,
If you scatter sunshine
Ev’rywhere you go.

Slightest actions often
Meet the sorest needs,
For the world wants daily
Little kindly deeds;
Oh, what care and sorrow
You may help remove,
With your songs and courage,
Sympathy and love.

When the days are gloomy
Sing some happy song;
Meet the world’s repining
With a courage strong;
Go with faith undaunted
Thro’ the ills of life;
Scatter smiles and sunshine
O’er its toil and strife.

Scatter sunshine all along your way,
Cheer and bless and brighten
Ev’ry passing day;
Scatter sunshine all along your way
Cheer and bless and brighten
Ev’ry passing day.
     Lanta Wilson Smith

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

We may lighten toil and care

We may lighten toil and care,
Or a heavy burden share,
With a word, a kindly deed, or sunny smile;
We may girdle day and night
With a halo of delight,
If we keep the heart singing all the while.

If His love is in the soul,
And we yield to His control,
Sweetest music will the lonely hours beguile;
We may drive the clouds away,
Cheer and bless the darkest day,
If we keep the heart singing all the while.

How a word of love will cheer,
Kindle hope, and banish fear,
Soothe a pain, or take away the sting of guile;
Oh, how much we all may do,
In the world we travel thro',
If we keep the heart singing all the while.

Keep the heart singing all the while;
Make the world brighter with a smile;
Keep the song ringing! lonely hours we may beguile,
If we keep the heart singing all the while.
     Chas. H. Gabriel

Monday, January 6, 2014

Had we only sunshine all the year around

Had we only sunshine all the year around,
Without the blessing of refreshing rain,
Would we scatter seed upon the fallow ground,
And hope to gather flowers, fruit, and grain?

Had we not a sorrow or a cross to bear
For Him who bore the burden of our sin,
Would we know the sweetness of His love and care,
Or even strive eternal joys to win?

Can we prize the sunshine and deplore the rain,
Repining when the days are dark and drear?
Can we hope for pleasure, yet deny the pain,
Or share the joys of life without the tear?

Sunshine and rain, refreshing, reviving rain,
Light of faith and love,
Showers from above!
Sunshine and rain, to nourish the growing grain,
Send us, Lord, the sunshine and the rain.
     Chas. H. Gabriel

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Have you done aught for Jesus

Have you done aught for Jesus
Who did so much for thee?
He left a royal palace
And died for you and me;
What have you done?
What have you done?
Oh, measure your life by His;
He tramped this world a stranger,
And day by day in danger;
Would you do that, my hearer,
For Him or one of His?

What have you given, brother?
God gave His only Son,
His whole lifetime to suffer
For sin, by death, atone;
What have you giv’n?
What have you giv’n?
Your children, your talents, all?
Give Him each golden moment,
As with bright gems you’ve sown it,
Your money, tho’ts and deeds all,
For His use evermore.

Have you left aught for Jesus,
Loved ones, houses or lands?
Great is the promise to us
A hundredfold return;
What have you left?
What have you left?
The world and its vanities?
He left a heaven’s glories
And joys, undreamed of by us;
Leave all, take your cross daily,
Follow Him evermore.
     Mrs. Kate C. Hinkle

Saturday, January 4, 2014

The Master has gone to a distant country

The Master has gone to a distant country
And left me a charge to keep,
A work in His vineyard, a field for reaping,
A shepherd to guard His sheep.

There's labor for me that no other can do,
A place I alone can fill;
Then why should I not be among the chosen,
Rejoicing to do His will?

Shall others go forth to the field of harvest
While I with the idlers stand?
The talent He gave me, shall I not use it,
In following His command?

The day that shall break for my Lord's appearing,
He hath not revealed to me,
Yet if He but find me a faithful servant
A glorious day 'twill be.

May I be faithful unto the trust He assigned me;
Constant in service,
Earnest in all that I do;
May I be faithful!
Out in the field may He find me,
When He returneth, patient and loyal and true!
     Chas. H. Gabriel

Friday, January 3, 2014

When I have finished my pilgrimage here

When I have finished my pilgrimage here,
When shall have vanquished temptation and fear,
As in the arms of His love I abide,
I shall be satisfied.

When I am troubled by grief and despair,
Grace never failing awaits me up there;
Willing to trust Him whatever betide,
I shall be satisfied.

When I have traveled the way with my Lord,
Counting the mileposts by faith in His Word,
Living and dying with Him by my side,
I shall be satisfied.

I shall be satisfied,
I shall be satisfied;
Sheltered above by His infinite love,
I shall be satisfied.
     A. H. Ackley

Thursday, January 2, 2014

My Father leads me, and content

My Father leads me, and content,
I trust in Him to choose my way;
I know that walking by His side
My feet may never go astray,
I know my Father leadeth me,
He leadeth me, He leadeth me.

My Father leads, and oftentimes,
Thro’ thorny paths, my weary feet,
But by His side I need not fear
Tho’ blinding storms around me beat,
For as my days my strength shall be—
I know my Father leadeth me.

And when I reach the river wide
Whose stormy waters darkly flow,
He’ll hold my hand and guide me safe
Into the haven I would go,
And there my song shall ever be
I know my Father leadeth me.

He leadeth me,
I know my Father leadeth me.
      L. G. P.

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

When the pearly gates are opened

When the pearly gates are opened
To a sinner "saved by grace,"
When, thro’ everlasting mercy,
I behold my Savior’s face,
When I enter in the mansions
Of the city bright and fair,
I shall have a royal welcome,
For I’ll be no stranger there.

Thro’ time’s ever changing seasons,
I am pressing t’ward the goal;
’Tis my heart’s sweet native country,
’Tis the homeland of my soul;
Many loved ones, clothed with beauty,
In those wondrous glories share;
When I rise, redeemed, forgiven,
I shall be no stranger there.

There my dear Redeemer liveth,
Blessèd Lamb upon the throne;
By the crimson marks upon them,
He will surely claim His own.
So, whenever sad or lonely,
Look beyond the earthly care;
Weary child of God, remember,
You will be no stranger there.

I shall be no stranger there,
Jesus will my place prepare;
He will meet me, He will greet me;
I shall be no stranger there.
     E. E. Hewitt