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Wednesday, January 1, 2014

When the pearly gates are opened

When the pearly gates are opened
To a sinner "saved by grace,"
When, thro’ everlasting mercy,
I behold my Savior’s face,
When I enter in the mansions
Of the city bright and fair,
I shall have a royal welcome,
For I’ll be no stranger there.

Thro’ time’s ever changing seasons,
I am pressing t’ward the goal;
’Tis my heart’s sweet native country,
’Tis the homeland of my soul;
Many loved ones, clothed with beauty,
In those wondrous glories share;
When I rise, redeemed, forgiven,
I shall be no stranger there.

There my dear Redeemer liveth,
Blessèd Lamb upon the throne;
By the crimson marks upon them,
He will surely claim His own.
So, whenever sad or lonely,
Look beyond the earthly care;
Weary child of God, remember,
You will be no stranger there.

I shall be no stranger there,
Jesus will my place prepare;
He will meet me, He will greet me;
I shall be no stranger there.
     E. E. Hewitt

1 comment:

  1. This is an inspired and spirit filled old time religious song
