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Saturday, February 22, 2014

Let the world have its diamonds, its silver and gold

Let the world have its diamonds, its silver and gold,
I am richer by far with the title I hold;
I am heir to a kingdom, a crown and a throne,
That shall stand when earth’s kingdoms are all overthrown.

Let the world have its pottage, my birthright I’ll keep,
For its pleasures or toys I’ll not grovel or creep;
I’m a child of a King, I’ll not barter a crown
For the trifles of earth, for its wealth or renown.

Let the world have its honors, ambitions and fame,
In the Lamb’s Book of Life has been written my name;
When the world is on fire, still my name shall endure,
And my kingdom and palace will then be secure.

I am nearing the city, its spires I can see,
And its pearly gates soon will be opened to me;
With the shout of a victor, I soon shall be crowned,
While the arches of Heav’n with hosannas resound.

Hallelujah! my soul mounts upward and sings;
Hallelujah to Jesus, the King of all kings!
Hallelujah! the “kingdom to come” draweth nigh;
What a crowning ’twill be in the sweet by-and-by,
What a crowning ’twill be in the sweet by-and-by!
     Mrs. Hannah M. Richards

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