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Monday, July 22, 2013

When heavy my burden and steep the way

July 22

When heavy my burden and steep the way,
And powers of darkness their rage display-
Whenever the skies have an angry look,
I find what I need in the grand old Book.

When trouble or sorrow assails my heart,
When called from my loved ones in tears to part,
I open my Bible and there I find
A promise of hope with my grief entwined.

When darkness enfolds me and hides the goal,
When pleasures of earth would allure my soul,
I turn to the Book that was mother’s guide;-
She speaks as tho’ I were still at her side.

O beautiful Bible, O grand old Book,
My heart is aglow as on thee I look;
It points me to Jesus, the Word of God,
And beckons me up by the path He trod.

I find what I need in the grand old Book-
So also could you, if you would but look;
In sorrow or joy naught can annoy;
I find what I need in the grand old Book.
     James Rowe

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